Vice Chancellor, Rodolfo H. Torres
Rodolfo H. Torres is the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development (VCRED) and a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Riverside. As VC RED he provides a broad vision and executive leadership for campus-wide research initiatives and is responsible for inspiring and managing a diverse portfolio of research and creative activity, as well as economic development activities in coordination with the region, state, and other external partners.
Torres came to UCR after 23 years at the University of Kansas where he was a University Distinguished Professor of Mathematics. He held leadership roles with the faculty senate and later on took administrative positions including associate vice chancellor and interim vice chancellor of Research and president of the University of Kansas Center for Research.
After completing his undergraduate studies at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, in his native Argentina, Torres came to the U.S. to earn his doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis, and completed postdoctoral studies at New York University and the University of Michigan.
Torres’ research interests include harmonic analyses, which involves finding patterns in complicated data and helping solve mathematical equations, as well as analyzing signals and images such as the coloration of birds.
His research has been supported by grants from the NSF and he’s been invited to speak and teach short courses around the world. Torres has also received several awards and honors for his commitment to research, innovation, and higher education.
Contact Information
Rodolfo H. Torres
Office of Research and Economic Development
University Office Building Suite #200
Riverside, CA 92521