UC Lab Fee research program

In support of the University of California Lab Fee research program, a one-day virtual workshop is being planned on Clean Renewable Energy and Decarbonization (CRED). The main purpose of this workshop is to hear from our UC Lab Partners (LANL, LBNL, LLNL) and other UC faculty regarding research opportunities in the area of clean energy. Part of the workshop is to form teams to respond to the call for proposals in this area: https://ucop.edu/research-initiatives/programs/lab-fees/files/labfee_crt_rfp.pdf

 Please register for this workshop at : https://sites.research.uci.edu/cred; if you are interested in giving a “lightening talk” at the workshop, please click that option, and let campus representative Matt Barth know (barth@ucr.edu).

 Thank you for your attention to this matter,

Rodolfo H. Torres
Vice Chancellor, Research & Economic Development

Rodolfo H. Torres
Vice Chancellor 
Research and Economic Development

Distinguished Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Riverside
200 University Office Building
Riverside, CA 92521


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