ORC Ian's RCR Test

  1. Choose the Log In button at https://citiprogram.org

  2. orc-rcr-citi-step02.png

  3. Start typing "Riverside" -- it will bring up University of California at Riverside, which you'll then choose

  4. orc-rcr-citi-step04.png

  5. orc-rcr-citi-step05.png

  6. Choose either “I already have a CITI program account” [go to step 10 if this is true for you] or “I don’t have a CITI program account and I need to create one”

  7. Complete registration

  8. This will always be a NO choice for these modules

  9. orc-rcr-citi-step09.png

  10. It may be the case that you are not enrolled for any courses through CITI, in which case you’ll see this screen. If you are already enrolled in other courses, they will show up here.

  11. You will need to enroll in the RCR course

  12. orc-rcr-citi-step12.png

  13. orc-rcr-citi-step13.png

  14. If you checked “none of the above” on the previous screen, this is what you’ll see for the RCR course. If you are already enrolled in other CITI courses, they will be here as well.

  15. If you checked human subjects, animal subjects and / or engineering on the previous screen, this is what you’ll see for the RCR course. If you are already enrolled in other CITI courses, they will be here as well.

  16. As you’ll discover, each module for the different topics includes a video for either life sciences, social/behavioral/educational/education sciences, or biomedical sciences. We do realize this does not represent all possible disciplines, and we encourage you to choose the one most closely aligned with your field/discipline.
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