PreAward Routing and Roles

PreAward authorization is based upon existing eCAF roles established within the Enterprise Access Control System (EACS).  As such, eCAF users  will automatically have access to the PreAward application.

The PreAward application can be accessed by clicking 'PreAward Request System' from the Authorized Applications section in R'Space.

Following is a listing of eCAF roles. Additional information regarding eCAF roles can be found at the eCAF support site.

  • PI/Submitter
  • Contract & Grant Analyst
  • PI/Approver
  • Co-PI
  • Chair
  • Dean
  • Office of Research and Economic Development Officer

PreAward Routing

PreAward transactions are electronically routed to everyone who needs to provide review or approval.

The “Approvals” tab provides a graphical representation of the potential PreAward routing system, with a white box highlighting its current location on the path.