About the SCRO Committee
The UCR Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committee functions as the local review body responsible for approval and oversight for the use of human pluripotent cells at UCR in accordance with the NIH Guidelines for on Human Stem Cell Research and the California Department of Public Health Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research.

Step 1: Determine if you need to submit a Stem Cell Use Authorization (SCUA)
A Stem Cell Use Authorization (SCUA) is required for every laboratory that uses or stores human pluripotent cells. The term “pluripotent cells” includes any cell capable of differentiating into ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm (e.g., embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells).
Activities with pluripotent cells requiring review include:
- Obtaining and storing human pluripotent cells
- Use of human pluripotent cells in in vitro studies
- Incorporation of human pluripotent cells and their derivatives into non-human animals
- Incorporation of ectodermal or neural stem cells into non-human animals
- Attempt to induce pluripotency in a human cell line
- Attempt to derive a new embryonic stem cell line
- Incorporation of human pluripotent cells or ectodermal/neural stem cells into a human being

Step 2: Submit your SCUA
SCUA submissions for new applications or amendments are completed using the forms found in the SCRO section of the Forms page.
Researchers can complete the forms (Word documents), and submit to scro@ucr.edu.
Levels of review
Depending on the status of the proposed activity (according to California Department of Public Health regulations), the submission will be reviewed at one of the below levels:
SCUA Levels of Review | |
Convened full committee review |
SCUAs reviewed at a convened meeting |
Committee review |
SCUAs distributed electronically to the Committee for review |
Notification |
Activities requiring only notification to the SCRO still require submission of a SCUA. SCRO informs the PI that the submission has been accepted |
Additional Reviews
Required additional compliance review:
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC): All uses of human derived materials must be approved by the IBC through the submission of a Biological Use Authorization (BUA) form.
Additional compliance reviews that may be required:
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC): The use of vertebrate animals (e.g., harvesting of mouse embryonic fibroblasts or incorporation of stem cells into) must be approved by the IACUC (via an AUP). Note: IACUC review is not needed if you are obtaining mouse embryonic fibroblasts from the Stem Cell Facility (or another investigator).
- Institutional Review Board (IRB): IRB review of human protections may be required for some activities such as the donation of materials such as embryos or primary tissues.
- Material Transfer Agreement (MTA): Most human pluripotent cell lines cannot be obtained without a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). The Research and Economic Development Office is required to review these contracts in accordance with UC mandated restrictions. It is recommended that you contact mta@ucr.edu as soon as you have determined you would like to obtain a particular cell line.
The SCRO currently meets on an ad hoc or as needed basis.
SCUAs are approved for a 3 year period with annual notification to the SCRO. The SCRO will contact the investigators for renewals and notifications; however, it is the responsibility of the investigator to ensure that an active approved SCUA is maintained including submission of amendments when changes to the research and personnel involved are required.
Additional information
Researchers and committee members can find more information in the SCRO section of the Resources Page.